Letter of Resignation?

Warm-Up writing (or speaking) exercise if you’re considering a jailbreak from the corporate world or any other soul-destroying job.

Eilidh Horder
The Bad Influence


Planning an escape from your joy-sucking, spirit-crushing job? Here’s a model to adapt as you like.

Subject: Resignation Reference: Staff Number 12345

Dear Mr. Big Boss Man,

Per Article of the Staff Regulations, I now tender my resignation from The Grey Sheep Mind-Control Corporation effective from today’s date because:

Here you may pause for a second, but no longer than a second. Take a deep breath.

Now, stop thinking. Just let your fingers fly back and forth across the keyboard as if it were a scorching hot piano (or your pen flit across the page as if you had a flight to catch and a life to live ).

I am more than just a number. I am a woman (or____) with a brain and a personal belief system. I can no longer work in a toxic environment where…

