Letting Your Child do Dangerous Things

He could be killed. Well, yeah.

Fred Ermlich
The Bad Influence
2 min readAug 20, 2021


Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

I will never understand, never tolerate, parents who are paranoid about their children taking risks. What — it’s a good idea to create more paranoid humans in this paranoid world, or at least, in that paranoid country — the U.S?

I grew up in Ohio, and was free to do anything I wanted to do. But that was the 50s — normal times.

Here in Panama I think parents take their children’s lives very seriously. These kids do terribly dangerous things, and it’s the parents’ job to laugh. L-A-F-F for you non-native English readers. ‘Ha ha ha.’

Parents in Panama are grown-up children who were raised in this tradition — cheating death.

Sure it’s wonderfully dangerous, and it is wonderful overall. You’d have to be Latino, or better, Panameño, to really get it. Or an ancient Ohian-German.

Ego me. No, not ‘ergo!’

Oh, I get a sinking feeling in my gut when I see children playing in the drainages during fierce thunderstorms. The drainages go straight to the river in our back yards.

But then again, I get that same feeling when I lie in bed at night and remember the motorcycle roadrace I was in the day before. It’s nuts and scary but really makes life very special.

Image by intographics from Pixabay




Fred Ermlich
The Bad Influence

Living in rural Panamá — non-extractive, non-capitalistic. Expat USA. Scientist, writer, researcher, teacher. STEM mentor +languages. Gargoylplex@protonmail.com