Mist Opportunity

A chance encounter in the land of the rising sun.

Britni Pepper
The Bad Influence


Three deer silhouetted against the rising sun
Sun grazing deer (CC by Thibault Martin-Lagardette)

Richard nudged Carrielle awake. “Time to rise and shine, honey!”

Carrie groaned. “But it’s dark! Is there coffee?”

“The full moon is out there waiting for you,” Richard replied, “and dawn’s in half an hour. Come on, grab your camera and let’s go!”

Carrie lifted the sheet. “Come here and give me a cuddle before we start.”

Richard had turned away, fiddling with his tripod, and Carrie gave up, swinging her long legs out of bed. Yes, she had promised to take a few shots of the Japanese dawn. Definite commercial possibilities there. But that had been last night, when a glass or three of a sweet red wine had put a glow on the prospect.

Outside, the moon was round and golden, sinking through the pines. Richard clicked a long lens onto his Canon and aimed it like a rifle. Carrie pulled her jacket tighter. Her Leica had a wide lens, and she was after the big picture.

“Let’s get out into the rice fields. More room there.”

She slipped her hand into his as they walked out of the inn garden. Two foreigners in a fantasy land. A little way down the street, the village houses stopped abruptly, the fields began, and Richard broke contact, raising his lens like a dog…



Britni Pepper
The Bad Influence

Whimsical explorer: Britni maps the wide world and human heart with a twinkle in her eye, daring you to find magic in the everyday.