Musk’s Twitter Has Problems with Free Speech | Apartheid Emerald Saga

Twitter (X) silences people who criticize or mock Musk, as well as those with the “wrong” political agenda.

Organic Ukrainist (Kashadoo)
The Bad Influence
7 min readFeb 3, 2024


Photo by Christian Marquardt (Pool/Getty Images)

Twitter became unrecognizable after its acquisition by Elon Musk. Branding aside, the self-proclaimed free speech absolutist has increased censorship on Twitter (mainly from foreign governments). He now consistently violates freedom of speech and media freedom.

In this installment of the Apartheid Emerald Saga, we delve into Musk’s selective suppression of Twitter (X) users based on his political biases, contradictory value system, and poor emotional control.

Low emotional intelligence, a swollen ego, and a far-right ideology rarely translate into any form of freedom (Picture’s author: me)

Musk forbids the wrong kind of “free speech”

Being a useful idiot for foreign autocracies is terrible enough, but Musk often suppressed regular users personally.

Elon Musk’s free speech tweet in all its glory

On October 27, 2022, Musk proclaimed that he bought Twitter to create a digital square where “a wide range of beliefs” can be “debated in a healthy manner, without resorting to violence.”

You’ll never guess what happened next. Musk started banning journalists, small-size bloggers, and parody accounts for non-violent speech he took personally.

Musk bans journalists who don’t like him

First of all, Elmo doesn’t care about journalistic freedom. His “ support of independent journalism” turns into oppression the moment someone highlights his shortcomings.

Many such cases.

Musk deprives his employees of free speech

Musk’s employees have it the worst. The leaked information and reports suggest that Elmo uses every tool to suffocate any expression of free speech out of paranoia.

Musk bans users who make fun of him

We can only speculate what made Twitter’s owner so emotionally unstable, but the facts remain facts. Musk can’t stand people making fun of him, especially when the jokes land and go viral.

Every jab at his bad decision-making, duplicity, substance abuse, or social ineptitude hurts his ego. He will either respond directly, reduce the user’s visibility, or have the account blocked due to mysterious circumstances.

Musk’s curious p*do apologia

The last example is quite duplicitous if you know the backstory. Musk once called a businessman who helped save children a “p*do guy” on Twitter. Elon won the court case by pledging that he was just insulting him, not defaming him.

“He did not expect the “p*do” tweet to be taken literally.” For some reason, Elmo doesn’t hold users on his platform to his own standards for expression.

Assuming Musk has a zero-tolerance policy on child abuse would be wrong, too.

In 2022, Musk flat-out refused to reinstate the Twitter account of Alex Jones — an unhinged denier of the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting. Elon’s position was that he would never forgive those who “capitalize” on children’s death. A year later, Musk reinstated his account.

He really likes creating polls to justify unbanning the worst people on the planet he vouched to never reinstate, doesn’t he?

Besides, Elon personally reinstated a far-right conspiracy account that uploaded media of child **rn because “only people on our CSE team have seen those images” (yes, that’s his real argument, and no, the images were visible to everyone).

It begs the question, why would Musk publicly lie to restore an account of a far-right grifter for doing something criminal? Why does Elmo reinstate registered sex offenders who often incite genocide and use dehumanizing slurs against X’s guidelines?

Extremely concerning.

Elon Musk suppresses leftists in full force

In the previous part of the Apartheid Emerald Saga, I mentioned Musk’s selective censorship.

Musk himself leaked thousands of internal Twitter documents about the moderation decisions on the platform. They are known as “Twitter Files.” The content of these leaks centers around the impression of ultra-right accounts, Trump, and Hunter Biden’s laptop (AKA photos of his penis).

The whole point of the Twitter Files, according to Musk, is to provide evidence of Twitter suppressing free speech. He vowed to make a change for the better. Then, he did the opposite.

To reiterate: he increased foreign government censorship and regularly banned accounts that make fun of him. It turns out that he misunderstands what “freedom of speech” is, as his definition applies to every fascist dictatorship on the planet.

But that’s not the worst part. Musk is suppressing the leaks with a left-leaning agenda. I’m talking about the Distributed Denial of Secrets — a collection of leaks about police misconduct, spying on the leftist media, anti-democracy rallies, the January 6 riot, and, of course, the Black Lives Matter protests.

And, if you didn’t know, Musk is NOT a fan of the Black Lives Matter protests and leftist agenda in general.

Elon Musk’s “Mein Kampf” mask-off moment

If you didn’t get it, here’s Musk engaging in fascist rhetoric. He compared “wokeness” to a cancerous virus that should be cured or eliminated. I’ll delve into this hitlerite stuff some other time, I promise.

Elmo’s soft side for the far-right

Some may assume that Musk silences all his critics with an iron hand, but his “vigilant tough guy” act has boundaries. The facade falls when the far-right icons are involved.

Release the Trump.

Well, worse things have been done by people on their knees in the White House, nothing to get salty about (Source)

Donald Trump didn’t just say that Musk is a money beggar without dignity. He attacked him on several occasions, calling him a bullshit artist and mocking his decision to buy Twitter.

Given how often Musk retaliates against people who make fun of him, what was his reaction to this public humiliation? Perhaps he called him a “p*do guy” or other nasties? Did he at least talk back?

Oh, he just laughed it off

Adding (more) insult to injury, Musk announced he’s going to reinstate Trump’s account.

Musk’s “notice me, daddy” moment

Sadly, senpai was unimpressed and did not return to Twitter.

Musk’s apartheid free speech

“For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.”

Well, Elon really cast off chains for the right, alright. Then, he compensated with the left.

At this point, Elon’s fans should try massaging their brains with a bit of critical thinking. For example, try answering:

  1. Why did foreign censorship and content removal increase on Twitter?
  2. Can you advocate free speech if you don’t understand what it means?
  3. What do photos of Hunter Biden’s private parts have to do with the Illuminati and white genocide?
  4. Is repressing people with opposing views or witty gags against you a valid form of free speech?

As I see it, Musk has created something very concerning indeed — an apartheid free speech. It systematically suppresses some worldviews while promoting others, often contrary to the platform’s rules. AS THEY SAY, OLD HABITS DIE HARD.

However, a particular group of people was given outrageous freedom when Musk took over. The group is called: “the worst people on planet Earth.” In the next part of the Apartheid Emerald saga, we’ll actually look at the rise of nazis, fascists, and genocide supporters on X.

Organic Ukrainist (Kashadoo), or Georgii, is a seasoned technical copywriter and ex-prosecutor from Ukraine. When not working, he usually writes nonsense on Twitter or plays traditional video games in a VR headset (they’re prettier that way). His soul wants to speak about the important stuff — the russo-Ukrainian war, Western perceptions of Ukraine and russia, and the significance of the movie “Tetsuo” for our civilization.



Organic Ukrainist (Kashadoo)
The Bad Influence

Odesanized Georgian-blooded Donetsk native whose mother lived in a Jew House / Донесицький Одесчанин грузинокровець, мати якого росла в Єврейському Будинку