My Public Sexist Rant Went Viral

The worse decision I ever made was not knowing when to stop

Reuben Salsa
The Bad Influence
Published in
4 min readMay 12, 2021


Image from Gratisography

I’ve had decades of poor decision-making. But the worst? It had to be a surprise birthday party for Kevin, my friend's white stead and prince of the rodeo. This horse was magnificent. It could frolic and ride like the wind in one dazzling display of studdery.

Unfortunately, horses don’t very much like surprises. There were streamers, cake, candles, the works…Kevin went fucking mental.

I don’t even like horses.

I always imagine that if I had gone as mental as Kevin did, initiating a stampede and causing thousands of dollars of damage, then it’ll likely be filmed for posterity.

One day, I’ll have a sexist rant on the back-end of a bus screaming at the ex to stop licking my Eskimo pie.

Eskimo Pie now banned in New Zealand for its racist connotations. Much like I’m due to be someday. Not for racism. More for stupidity for eating racist ice cream bars in public.

Image from Author.

