New Studies Say the Climate Crisis is Worse Than We Thought

We’re venturing into uncharted territory

Patrick Metzger
The Bad Influence
Published in
5 min readNov 14, 2023


a giant storm and a desert side by side
Romolo Tavani on

I haven’t been writing much lately about the climate crisis, and not because I’ve gained new optimism that we can avoid a civilization-wrecking climate car wreck.

No, it’s more because as the year unravelled, with records shattered and new superlatives applied to the emerging catastrophe, I didn’t have much new to say besides “I told you so.” Anyway, sometimes it’s easier to give a polite hat tip to the abyss and retreat into the comforting minutia of everyday life.

But there’s new science suggesting that the climate crisis is worse and progressing more rapidly than expected, so let’s get dooming!

1. State of the climate = terrifying

That matters are not going well should be stupidly obvious to anyone following the news. 2023 will be the hottest year on record, and depending on how El Nino plays out, 2024 could be hotter still.

However, for those seeking expert opinion, The 2023 State of the Climate Report: Entering Uncharted Territory summarizes the situation:

Global daily mean temperatures never exceeded 1.5-degree Celsius (°C) above preindustrial…



Patrick Metzger
The Bad Influence

Dilettante, smartass, apocalypticist. ***See “Lists” for stories by genre.***