Comedians in cars getting cancelled

Nobody is Coming For Jimmy Carr

Or Ricky Gervais for that matter

Frank T Bird
The Bad Influence
Published in
5 min readFeb 8, 2022


The legend Jimmy Carr (Wikicommons)

According to the legend Reuben Salsa — Dark Lord of Evil Sway — somebody is coming to take down comedian Jimmy Carr and possibly his mate Ricky Gervais.

The reasons are outlined in Dr Salsa’s expose on why dull pro-censorship bastards are mopping up our last scrap of joy with the kitchen towel of misery.

Dr Salsa further outlines his concerns in his latest tweet on the matter:

I wrote an article some time ago about how even Medium writers are campaigning for their own censorship these days.

Indeed, you know it’s the end of times when writers are campaigning to censor themselves.

It’s a madhouse (Image: Giphy)

There seems to be some virus going around that makes people think that compulsory congratulatory culture and compulsory respectful disagreements are some kind of spiritual practice or key to peace in the world.

It feels like technology is making us dumber to the point where we believe a world where people are always nice to each other, and no one makes fun of anyone else is a world of happiness.

It isn’t you fucking dickwads.

Personally, every one of these fucking things offends the shit out of me.

How about we deal with these things and then consider whether we have a problem with a person on a stage making people laugh for a living. Okay?

Fentanyl killed 38,000 Americans in 2019. Is anyone trying to get it cancelled? (Wikicommons)

People that campaign for censorship of the citizens aren’t making the world better. They are creating a more subservient environment for authoritarian control to expand.

They should be campaigning to stop politicians and corporations from FUCKING this world.

Instead, they are dribbling rancid gravy on social media about their childish notions of being offended. WANKERS.

It makes me mad to think that people are trying to censor anyone that even begins to make a joke involving Hitler. I am still waiting for people to come after me for my most successful tweet of all time. I think I have only been saved thanks to the sheer invisibility of my Twitter account.

Hitler is fucking prime for a good piss-take.

I mean, yer got a vegetarian guy with a Charlie Chaplain moustache and one bollock (allegedly) that somehow almost took over the world.

That’s bloody hilarious.

Sure he killed millions of people along the way, which puts a downer on things. But let’s not forget that even Hitler has not been cancelled. In fact, you can buy his book right now from Dymock’s if you like for a bargain price of $59.99.

Please note that I will receive a small commission from Dymock’s if you buy this.

But, look, profiting off tragedy is surely better than asking for an imaginary coffee right?

I mean Green Day did it — Wake Me Up When September Ends?

More like, Wake Me Up When This Song has sold 1,652,000 copies.

But yes, Hitler's book. One reviewer named ‘John’ called it,

Action, Suspence, Adventure, best book of the last century and written by one of the most iconic people of the 20th century

I’m pretty sure John would be the kind of person who shaves his head, wears Doc Martins and red braces, but he could be just an intelligent history nerd.

I mean, sure, he spells suspense with a C, but why should we judge?

FYI this is a joke. I would never be an affiliate marketer for Hitler. I bloody hate affiliate marketing.

Skinheads often practice yoga to gain flexibility for their racist activities (cottonbro)

It makes me mad that people are trying to close the censorship loop on comedians — especially proper talents like Jimmy Carr.

But then, I wonder what people can do without introducing some kind of legislation?

They can ‘cancel ‘ Jimmy and Ricky.

But what the fuck does that mean?

Will the people that have always loved and followed these comedians stop following them because suddenly someone has pointed out that they are offensive?

NO, because people have always followed them because they are offensive.

The people that are cancelling them were never fans in the first place.

It’s like the vegans who raided the steakhouse to protest against the death of cows. Choose yer fucking audience, you idiots.

And there is one thing that people need to understand about Ricky Gervais and Jimmy Carr.

They are not discriminatory.

They will go after literally anybody — you, me, high low — ANYONE.

And anyone with any brains who has watched them get interviewed as people will realise they are the type of person we more of in this world:

Intelligent, compassionate and funny as fuck.

So the sad bastards trying to get them cancelled are not heroes trying to crack down on discrimination.

They are the lackeys of the governments and corporations who wish for greater control of, and subservience from, the citizens of this world.

But worse, they are what we used to call THE FUN POLICE.


Watch out. They are comin’ for you next, you bastards.

(Image: Tenor)
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