Of Scars

What is your kind of scar?

Hamna Labeeb
The Bad Influence
Published in
2 min readMay 1, 2020


“This too shall pass.”
“Everything does.
Except scars.”


Meshworks of causes,
reasons and justifications
that cover up the open wounds.
Those are called scars.
And they say,
"This, too, shall pass."

Often, it does. It does pass.
But there is that casual footprint in the sand,
with some depth, left behind to remind you,
you have been walked over.

There are those fingerprints
all over your heart to remind you,
your heart had been handled, juggled with.

Then there are the little fireflies
that circle the only light in your soul,
reminding you how dark it is
without this little chaos of attracted insects
that arrive to light up your world fleetingly.

And then, there are scars —
those that remain,
take losses to a new level.
Those that etch pain on papers…

