One of the Best ‘Revenge’ Thrillers You Have Not Watched, but You Should

This movie is a subtle mix of Pop Corn and Parallel Cinema

Akshay Ravi
The Bad Influence


A close up of the face of a young woman, probably in her late twenties. She looks like she is being hunted. She looks scared. Her face is sweating and is full of dust.
Screenshot from the movie

If you are a hardcore Netflix junkie, you might have already watched the film called “Revenge.” If you have watched it and liked it, great. Because I did too. If you have watched it and hated it, you can either stop reading from here or read till the end to know a different perspective- your wish. If you have not watched it, let me tell you if it is a good fit for you, and if yes, why it is a good fit.

Revenge is a French revenge action thriller- no points for guessing that it is a revenge film. Let me start throwing away other hints. It is colorful and looks very vibrant, thanks to the brilliant color grading. It is a bit slow, but not too slow. It has scenes that look like that they do not serve any purpose, but it actually does. This is where it has an almost “parallel cinema” kind of vibe. These are the kind of scenes you often see in films that had a lot of thoughts that went behind the making, if you know what I mean. The cinematography is top notch, and when I say top notch I mean the absolute top notch kind of quality. If you are someone who gets turned on by watching amazing cinematography techniques, you are in for a treat especially during the climatic sequence. Personally, the particular…



Akshay Ravi
The Bad Influence

I sometimes revisit my writings, and I am almost always disappointed. But if you still may, you will stumble upon mostly short fiction, technology otherwise