Qué Pasa — Kevin McCarthy — Mi Amigo & House Minority Leader!

Bob Driver - Da Bob
The Bad Influence
Published in
4 min readJul 27, 2021


Tim Mossholder via Unsplash

The following is an open letter…

To: Kevin McCarthy
California’s 23rd District
House Minority Leader

From: Da Bob

Hola Kevin — What’s crackin’?

Dude, I just wanted to reach out and say “Qué Pasa” to my fellow Californian… And clue you into a certain — Historical — reality that may have slipped by you.

Some people would call this a “fact”, but I know many people in your party have an issue with others quoting “factoids”. How about we just agree to call this a “truth”, a truth you may have just overlooked. Ok?

Kevin, Donald Trump lost the Presidential election. Now don’t panic! Stay calm! Try looking on the bright-side of this, you don’t need to keep worshiping or fearing that Orange Maniac.

He ain’t coming back!

Hey, I get it — we all get it — the last four years majorly sucked! But Dude! 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue has a new resident. The coast is clear… It’s ok to be your normal — slightly racist, sexist, homophobic — Republican-self again!

Search your feelings Kevin! Embrace your inner John Boehner! Chill out with your spineless…

