Reclaim The Word

It cost nothing to use words.

The Bad Influence
2 min readJul 27, 2020


Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

When did it happen? When did we slip down to this? Who were the people who decided that it is a good thing to introduce?
I am at that point in my life when I rethink my life, mid-life existential crisis guy. I love to be online, exchanging messages with my friends around the world. At times, I am finding it difficult to relay my thoughts in messages to my amigos, the messages are like bits of bad poetry, poorly executed prose.

Back to my point, who thought that those symbols called “emoji” is a good idea? Maybe for kids ( they love their emoji), it is fun but for me, a middle-life crisis guy they are awful things, I feel that they degrade my intelligence.
We have an excellent tool, written and spoken word, why do we want to forget it, why do we want to express ourselves in childish symbols?
Can I blame anyone or anything for this? Somewhere, somebody decided that we need this “convenience”, it looked quite cute in the beginning but after while it became like a parasite on a beautiful flower.
Humans are adaptable but some adaptations are nothing but the way downhill, it is time to reclaim our words back. Leave cartoonish symbols for children to play with, don’t be lazy, use words, we have plenty of them.

Words make sentences, sentences make paragraphs and paragraphs make books. Not everyone will be a writer, not everyone wants to be a writer but expression of oneself doesn’t have to be denigrated to a cartoon character.

Ok, I am joking, you do whatever you want to do just remember we have this beautiful tool at our hands- the Word.

