She Could’ve Told Me My Actions Would Lead To My Death

A turkey shares beyond the grave

Marla Bishop
The Bad Influence


Left, Tom Turkey, and (right) his mate, waiting in vain to get laid / photos by Jonica Bradley

One of my greatest regrets is that I never got a chance to fulfill my life’s ambition; I’d intended to spread my seed far and wide. But the end came so quickly.

The funny thing is: I didn’t even realise I was hurting her, the lady farmer who fed and watered me daily. I thought she enjoyed our romps when I would chase her around the farmyard, gobbling furiously and pecking her on any part of her body I could access. I thought we were having fun!

I didn’t know my beak hurt her skin. It didn’t hurt me when I burrowed beneath my feathers, itching and cleaning.

If only she would’ve let me know then I could’ve chosen to stop, rather than have my head separated from my body.

One thing I will say for the lady farmer though; she didn’t let an ounce of me go to waste. She even kept a few of my beautiful feathers as decoration.

Oh well, c’est la vie.

(As channeled to the author from Tom the turkey)



Marla Bishop
The Bad Influence

Londoner, philosophy graduate, journalist, relationship coach, wife & mother. MA in Novel Writing; working on 1st novel. Follow me: