So They’re All Just Lying Liars, Huh?

Who knew?

Tom Brady
The Bad Influence
5 min readFeb 23, 2023


Photo by Rubaitul Azad on Unsplash

In a completely unforeseen turn of events which caught everyone off guard, it’s emerged that Fox News hosts don’t believe what they say on air.

The discovery process in a lawsuit filed by voting machine company Dominion has thrown up some juicy inside correspondence.

Lou Dobbs, Maria Bartiromo, and Sean Hannity previously had to air a fact-check package debunking lies they and their guests had told following a legal threat from a similar company called Smartmatic.

Trump lawyer and conspiracy peddler Sydney Powell falsely claimed its software was “created by Hugo Chavez.”

On that one, let’s note Chávez would’ve been dead for seven years when his dastardly plan to install Scranton Joe as president came to fruition.

And Biden and Chávez didn’t have a friendly relationship when he was alive. Joe said in 2002, “we need to ratchet this up” about forcing early elections in Venezuela just months after a coup attempt had failed.

Then in 2006, when the former Venezuelan president threatened to stop oil exports to the US amid ongoing coup attempts to oust him, Biden denounced what he called the “Axis of Oil”, an obvious allusion to the Bush-era “Axis of Evil”.

So, you know, Joe’s always been more comfortable in the company of Republicans than Socialists. Isn’t that common knowledge?

Anyway, the Fox hosts caving to this previous defamation lawsuit lends credence to what’s in the court filing.

Let’s feast upon it together.

We now know that on the night Tucker Carlson delivered this hilarious monologue:

“There are so many unanswered questions. Some of them lingering.

“How, for example, did senile hermit Joe Biden get 15 million more votes than his former boss, rockstar crowd surfer Barrack Obama?

“Results like that would seem to defy the laws of known physics and qualify instead as a miracle.

“Was the 2020 election a miracle? Honestly, we don’t know and don’t expect an answer tonight.”

He privately texted fellow host Laura Ingram saying, “Sidney Powell is lying by the way. I caught her. It’s insane”.

To which Ingram replied she’s “a complete nut. No one will work with her. Ditto with Rudy [Giuliani].”

The “evidence” Powell provided on Maria Bartiromo’s Sunday Morning Futures show against Dominion was from someone who described herself as “internally decapitated” and claimed to be capable of “time travel in a semi-conscious state.”

Trump’s “elite strike force” admitted they didn’t verify any of the claims they were making and said they didn’t care they were false.

As for Tucker, you would like to think it doesn’t take a brain genius to figure out that an election in a more politicised era with a higher turnout could yield more votes for both candidates.

And as it turns out, Carlson lamented the “good people” in his audience who’d “believe” it.

That is, the “total BS” he was knowingly serving them.

Why do they do it?

The Fox Corporation is a public company, meaning it’s floated on the stock market.

That means its primary goal is to increase shareholder value or, in other words, to maximise profits.

Therefore, if it was bad for the stock price, it wasn’t true.

This seems like a problem for a “news” company, but who am I? They claim to be “proud” of their reporting in 2020.

Don’t take it from me, however. Instead, here’s Tucker freaking out at the prospect of losing his sinecure ($41 million, plus bonuses, by 2022).

When White House correspondent Jacqui Heinrich fact-checked a Trump election fraud tweet, Carlson texted this to Sean Hannity:

“Please get her fired. Seriously … what the fuck? I’m actually shocked … It needs to stop immediately, like tonight.

“It’s measurably hurting the company. The stock price is down. Not a joke.”

Journalists at the station telling the truth about the election meant they were haemorrhaging viewers to Newsmax, a channel even more grounded in rigorous factual analysis [citation needed], which had a knock-on effect on shareholder value.

Hannity, who reportedly makes $45 million per year (plus bonuses), told him he’d already spoken to the CEO, and the following morning Heinrich’s tweet had been deleted.

Please pause for a moment to spare a thought for this almost-victim of cancel culture.

And breathe a sigh of relief that the highest levels of the Fox corporation remain free from this insidious scourge.

Photo credit: The Wrap via Cable News Watch

Anything else? Oh yes.

Here are two more amusing nuggets showcasing Fox executives’ contempt for their presenters.

The network president Jay Wallace said “the North Koreans” do a “more nuanced show” than Lou Dobbs.

And the executive producer of “Justice with Judge Jeanine,” Jerry Andrews, called Jeanine Pirro (the host) “nuts.”


These shocking revelations, which no one could have predicted, appear to have been verified by true-believer Ann Coulter.

Coulter told Tim Pool on his podcast:

“All of them off camera 100% agree with me on Trump, and I say, why won’t you say this on radio?

“Why are you leaving me out there alone like I’m the nut against Trump when you know damn well I’m right.

“We’re at my dinner table; you’re telling me this, oh because… they’ll get mad at us… I have to break it to them slowly. Don’t worry, Ann, it’s coming, it’s coming!”

What’s going to be the next bombshell? Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson’s oil billionaire funding and climate change “scepticism” aren’t just a coincidence?

Whatever it is, it’s clearly just another plot by the World Economic Forum elites to take down these fearless truth-tellers.

Or maybe dirty energy barons are, you know, revolting against the exigencies of a green transition to preventing the breakdown of our life support system.

Something other sections of the Davos set are publicly on board with to the extent it doesn’t impact their bottom line.

It wouldn’t be like them to bury their own research for 50 years while funding climate denial to muddy the waters.

But I digress.

Fox says they’ll “vigorously defend” themselves against this “baseless” lawsuit.

And in a statement, they argued that the texts released in the court filing were “cherry-picked” and “lacking context”. Pull the other one, lads.

This story is a masterclass on how the profit motive distorts the provision of accurate information, with a media company burying the truth to chase the whims of the chronically under-informed.

And the culture war is a useful and lucrative distraction by a moribund order with no answers trying to run out the clock until it’s too late.

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Tom Brady
The Bad Influence

Not that one, the other one. | “Condolences! The Bums lost!!”