So Who’s Afraid of Socialism ?

The Global Movement Finds it Tough Going in the U.S.

John Thomson
The Bad Influence


Photo: Vidar Mathisen via Unsplash

Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf? Most of America it seems.

“They will turn our country into a socialist utopia,” Republican Senator Tim Scott said about the Democrats at the Republican National Convention. Former U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley equated the “socialist left” with “anarchy” and President Trump warned of “a socialist agenda to demolish our cherished destiny.” Ouch.

With the election just around the corner even the Democrats have backed off, jettisoning Bernie in favor of a safe, middle class white guy in case socialist Sanders scares voters away.

C’mon people, get a grip.

The dictionary defines socialism as “the public ownership or control of production, distribution and exchange, with the avowed aim of operating for use rather than for profit, and of assuring to each member an equitable share of goods, services and welfare benefits.”

Note the word equitable. And the phrase for use rather than for profit.

And it defines communism as “developed by Lenin and others, it advocates seizure of power by a conspiratorial political party, maintenance of power during an interim period by stern suppression of internal opposition, centralized public…



John Thomson
The Bad Influence

News and current affairs television producer turned writer. Obsessed with history, politics and human behavior. More at