Sticks, Stones, No Broken Bones

Thrifty Words 100 Challenge #32: Childish

Julie Ranson
The Bad Influence
Published in
1 min readSep 8, 2021


“I’m not touching you…” Finger centimeters from sibling’s arm.

“Mommy, she hit me.”

“I’m tellin’.”

“Nanny, nanny, boo-boo. Stick your head in…”

“You look like a monkey, and you are one too.” Sung at end of the birthday song.

“Yo mama.” Common comeback in the 1970s.

“Takes one to know one.”

“I’m rubber, you’re glue. Whatever bounces off me sticks to you.”

“Scaredy cat.”

“Teacher’s pet.” I was one and loved it.

“Oooh, cooties!”

You are very welcome for the trip down memory lane. My younger sister hit me while my brother held me. I said, “I’m telling” a lot.

Many thanks to TBI for the chance to write “small” for a change. I like having the 50- and 100-word options too. I also deliver 150-word shortform over at The Daily Cuppa, where you can learn lots of important bits from quick reads while sipping your morning joe.



Julie Ranson
The Bad Influence

Word Lover. Writer. Self-improver. Believer. Widow. Mother of three adults. Find me everywhere: https://linktr.ee/jjranson