Stimulus, No Space

Thrifty Words Theme Challenge #17: Stimulus

Marla Bishop
The Bad Influence
Published in
Dec 22, 2020


Photo by Caroline Hernandez on Unsplash

She’d always remember her daughter, laughing aloud and skipping beside her, holding tight to her hand.

Stopped at the pedestrian crossing, the child sees her father emerge from the subway, pulls free, calling out: “Daddy!


Her scream doesn’t stop the gap between her running child and oncoming lorry closing.

“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” — Viktor Frankl

Thanks to Jonica Bradley for this week’s challenge:



Marla Bishop
The Bad Influence

Londoner, philosophy graduate, journalist, relationship coach, wife & mother. MA in Novel Writing; working on 1st novel. Follow me: https://linktr.ee/Marla