100 Words

Survival of the Fittest

Thrifty Word Challenge 100 #74: Uncomfortable

Sylvain Paquette
The Bad Influence


“Scramble in the Abyss / Salmon Yell” by Sylvain Paquette (08/1997)

In the deepest slopes of existence hides a shark ready to bite.
It swims much faster than us within the darkest flow of events.
While we do our best to escape an infinite contest for survival daily.

Evaluating the compulsory stomach odds of the fittest beasts that search.
Both hooked at a slim chance to infest time and conscience.

None of us would pass the final glare tomorrow.
Water purges even the striking blood spill.
We can touch it, feel it, swallow it.
Ingest it.

Comfortably waiting for a fatal move ahead or behind.
Probably soon, destiny could detest us.



Sylvain Paquette
The Bad Influence

Where thoughts join forces with timeless words and visions