The Duplicity of Human Nature

Our questionable behavior in all it’s faulty wonder

Louise Sawyer 2.0
The Bad Influence


Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

I believe most humans are fundamentally good but we are also fallible because we’re human. We’re good people who make bad choices so it shouldn’t be shocking when we exercise poor judgment and behave stupidly.

In every situation that presents itself we have choices to make and it can’t always be the right choice or life would be boring and predictable.

Think of how many times you’ve made a really bad decision. Probably more times than you can count, I’m guessing.

You’ve gone out for drinks after work with your colleagues and made the choice to get behind the wheel while under the influence. You could kill someone or physically alter their life forever.

What if you were walking down the street and found a wallet? The wallet has $500.00 cash inside. Maybe you’ve recently lost your job and you’re having a difficult time paying the bills.

That $500.00 could make all the difference and instantly you’re presented with a choice. Depending on your situation, all your morals may fly out the window.

Here’s another example. One that possibly occurs more frequently than all bad decisions combined, whether you’re a man or a woman.



Louise Sawyer 2.0
The Bad Influence

Freedom writer of unpopular opinions. “Thelma was just along for the ride.”