The National Museum of African American Music is Open

And long overdue

Rob Janicke
The Bad Influence


Image courtesy of

“To educate the world, preserve the legacy, and celebrate the central role African Americans play in creating the American soundtrack.” —

We all know music crosses many barriers. Geography, religion, race, language, gender, etc. It’s as much a uniting force as anything else human beings can share. African American artists have led the charge in so many ways, spanning so many genres.

Robert Johnson, Duke Ellington, Billie Holiday, Charlie Parker, Chuck Berry, Miles Davis, Aretha Franklin, Marvin Gaye, Nina Simone, Stevie Wonder, Jimi Hendrix, Prince, Public Enemy, I could go on forever.

The point is, no matter what genre or style of music you listen to most, chances are an African American artist either started it or was instrumental in advancing it somewhere along the line.

“The most important influence on 20th-century music? African Americans and the musical culture they brought to this country — developed within the bonds of slavery.” — 20th Century Music/PBS

Music is as old as human beings, probably older if you consider birds have always sung. The world has been benefiting from music long…



Rob Janicke
The Bad Influence

Former indie record label owner currently writing my first book, SLACKER - 1991, Teen Spirit Angst and the Generation It Created. Follow me on IG @rob_janicke