This Moment is a Great Moment to Ignore the Mass of Media

This is the time to look more closely at sources you can trust

Fred Ermlich
The Bad Influence


A web search in any search engine makes Biden and Harris sound like a darker, more evil version of Donald Trump. Which is completely absurd.

It wasn’t easy at all, but I did manage to find the good, better balanced, best news:

Is it possible that racism is behind all the negative results you get from a web search? Hmm. Let’s see what the New York Times has to say:

Aside from the fact that Biden and Harris couldn’t possibly do a worse job than Trump in running the country, there is also a real possibility that we’re about to witness an administration that will go down in history as the greatest ever in U.S. history, in spite of the hurdles presented right from the beginning.

The executive branch is considered to be the top law-enforcement agency in the country. Well, hell. Let’s just see what the has to say:

Well, goodness. That sounds like exactly the job Kamala Harris held all of her working life in California. And Joe Biden is likewise an attorney who will soon also be the chief law-enforcer in the United States. And oh boy, can Biden enforce. Just ask the leaders in Guatemala about Biden. Oh, wait. I think the one you’d want to ask was executed (I’m not certain).

Anyway, Biden will have to reassert the U.S. role in Central America, as Trump has destroyed the relationships we once had:

In spite of the multiple crises, many of which are true existential threats, it seems likely, or at least possible, that the Biden/Harris administration can resurrect the United States government. The greatest threat against their success is the Republican Party. So we’ll just have to see…

But whether America itself is sustainable is a good question. Actually, it’s not a question. The extractive lifestyle and economy in the U.S. is not going to work anymore. There are no longer bottomless resources to support that way of life. But Americans are not interested in how other people live in subsistence states. American xenophobia creates American ignorance.

Perhaps after the population die-off, enough Americans will change their lifestyles and leave the cities to live on productive farms. Oh, look! Do you see those pigs flying? It’s started!




Fred Ermlich
The Bad Influence

Living in rural Panamá — non-extractive, non-capitalistic. Expat USA. Scientist, writer, researcher, teacher. STEM mentor +languages.