Tiny Houses

Sunshine Zombiegirl
The Bad Influence
Published in
4 min readOct 7, 2019


Minimalism and living in a tiny house.

Photo by Fabian Mardi on Unsplash

I’ve been focused on the dream for nearly ten years now. It started with my friend, Brandy. “Here, look at this YouTube video!” Or “look at these pictures!” It took nearly nothing to hook me onto the idea. For me, it’s not about saving money (though it can). It’s not about finally living in a house — I’ve been a home owner for over twenty years. No, for me, it was the fascination with the idea that I didn’t have to live on the grid. That I could move my house wherever I wanted. I could explore.

I never realized how much I needed that freedom until I flung myself to far away places to visit people I’d never met before to drive myself places I’d never been. My curiosity thrives on travel, exotic or not.

Ten years is a long time to wait for dream fulfillment. My children had to grow up and finish college before I could even attempt getting my home ready for sale. But I could do other things. I pared down everything in my crawlspace until I’d reduced it to an amount that no longer required any use of that space.

I went from looking at the stuff that I have as needing to be stored to linear feet of space taken up. I once viewed my objects as stuff that I need. Now I look at most of my things as ‘nice to haves’ but not entirely necessary to lead my life. (I will always need a hammer.)

