I’m tired of
Myself unengaged
Undertaking action, a battle all the same.
I’d sleep through
The window I used to see where hope was
Exhale the droplet to a toxic sleeve
An anxious dream
Of days before and not yet here
Rotate and brawl, the breeze avails fear.
Close my eyes
To faces of hate
Neighbors swore by in every state.
Awaken to
What used to be the sun
The warmth is gone, a colorless shape
Decisions to regret, young minds to shape.
Step off
Onto floors that creak
The stroll is long, the hallway’s brief.
Tears once invisible, now rivers on display
Holes in every argument poked at future decay
A failing God from the pulpit again
The con of a lifetime slid its way in
If you can
Stay we with me ‘til the end
If the light is dim, a shadow will dance
The band is still playing, shall we embrace the chance?
Let’s continue the conversation, and for a long time at that, on Twitter.