I would die for you

Touch Me~

You are worth the pain


Standing woman wearing sunglasses with bright tattoos on her arms torso and upper chest.
Photo by Scott Goodwill via unsplash

A simple glance my way
sends shivers along my spine
And then you reach out to touch me
your love
is driving me out of my mind

I would die for you
walk on a thousand blades for you
I would bleed my last breath
just to be with you in death
I would walk into hell
to draw blood
from their well
if you let me

Friends all think me crazy
They say
you’re not worth
the pain
but who are they to tell me
that my love will forever be in vain

They can’t feel the way you love me
They think me lost
and insane
But I know l love you
seeking no one else to place blame

I would die for you
walk on a thousand blades for you
I would bleed my last breath
just to be with you in death
I would walk into hell
to draw blood
from their well
if you let me

And when my last breath
has left me
becoming dust in the wind
your love will forever guide me
until we meet again

I would die for you
walk on a thousand blades for you
I would bleed my last breath
just to be with you in death
I would walk into hell
to draw blood
from their well
if you let me



This is a song I would like to dedicate
to all the men out there that may be struggling with their vanishing youth, their failing health, their reality of being trapped in their bodies unable to express themselves in the manner once abled.

It is to be considered a gift 🎁 of immensee love from all the Romeos, the Valentinos, from all the ordinary lovers ♥️ still in search of one more passionate entanglement.

Please consider it being a most precious honesty, an offered sacrifice, to respect those least able to defend themselves against time and or Nature’s unyielding clock.
It is the words of the song that gives voice to the men no longer able to speak in their once heated passion, to their true loves.

“That is my gift 🎁 to you”
Enjoy as best you are able to, this gift of being alive today




Anthony Cloe Huie (Choose Living Over Existing)
The Bad Influence

Choose Living Over Existing(CLOE)Gender Free Writer(GFW), MartialArts-Auth"The Spirit That Guides Us" "Noir AM""The Lottery" https://twitter.com/dropoutgorgeous