Trump Cult Claims Their Savior Could Not Have Raped Children Because His Penis Is Too Small

That makes things better?

Ellie Salvaje
The Bad Influence
Published in
6 min readFeb 15, 2022


Picture of Epstein and Trump from The Times. Picture of Micro Penis Energy Shirt from Amazon. Picture of MAGA red hat from Walmart.

We’ll take “Sentences we’d never thought we’d hear anyone say” for 500, Alex Trebek. Our nation is officially in jeopardy.

USA’s most scandalous trial since the George Floyd Murder Trial kicked off with a shocking testimony from one of the four women who accused Ghislaine Maxwell of grooming them when they were minors. The accuser, Jane, testified that Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein introduced her to then Donald Trump. This caused Trump to angrily tweet on his handle IvankaDaddy.

“Jane is a fake person created by ANTIFA to tarnish my name! The US Justice System is corrupt! I would never sleep with a minor if she wasn’t my daughter!”

MAGA supporters rushed to Twitter to defend their leader. Some questioned why Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew weren’t criticized, but Trump was.

“Democrats engaged in sexual trafficking as well, but sure let’s pile it on a great Republican leader!” ~ User LangmanVince.

We responded that both Clinton and Prince Andrew should go to jail as well, as political allegiance…



Ellie Salvaje
The Bad Influence

Pushing the boundaries of dark humor and satire a bit further than before.