Unicorns: We Got Their Name Wrong

I see no corn on that majestic creature’s head.

Lori Brown, Writer


This is the thing. I LOVE a good unicorn. I was a typical little girl with posters of unicorns doing awesome stuff all over my walls. I love these glorious, mythical beauties.


I had a revelation after I got an iPhone and discovered the world of emojis. Upon one fateful texting volley, I had a peculiar epiphany. Look at the below sequence of emojis, which are the same as the emojis I was looking at when I had my great awakening to the misnaming of the unicorn.

Image created by Author using iPhone, screenshots, and good old Windows Paint

Do you see?

I see no corn on that magical creature’s head.

After this rude awakening I wondered why we don’t call these magnificent creatures something more accurate. Like a unihorn.

I bet if we could travel back in time to the day that the name was chosen for the singly-horned magical horses, we would see a person who was talking with their mouthful.

That person was clearly misunderstood. Perhaps they were eating a peanut butter sandwich without the necessary glass of milk. Thus, when they (rudely) spoke with their mouth full of sticky peanut butter, what was said was “unihorn” but it sounded like unicorn.

It’s the only explanation for this obvious mistake.




Lori Brown, Writer

I'm a mom, a wife, and a playful storyteller. Voted Top Blockchain Voice on Linkedin, and voted Best Human Ever by my two dogs. #RuffLife.