We Have a Global Problem With Opinionated Assholes

Imagine shooting someone in the face because they asked you to wear a mask?

Liam M
The Bad Influence


Photo by Bannon Morrissy on Unsplash

On September 18th, an unknown man shot a 20-year-old student in the face. Why?

Because the student asked him to wear his COVID mask, the student was merely doing his job and following the rules his employer had set in place. This student lost his life over a COVID mask. This wasn’t an impulse reaction either, as the man returned an hour later, after going home to get his gun. Imagine having your mind warped so much that you kill someone over your views. That you’re so opinionated you plot to kill someone.

Around the world, we have people who now don’t know how to have a friendly debate; there are no in-between ground views. It is either black or white, if you have a different opinion, you’re at risk of getting killed.

The global pandemic really has brought out the worse in people.

This is a pandemic of stubbornness and twisted opinions. It highlights the flaws in the education system, the holes that make people believe twisted theories. To the point they shoot people in the face.

When these people get caught, they say they felt cornered and “saw no other way out” than to set an example. They don’t deny or…



Liam M
The Bad Influence

I grew up as a black bag, but now I identify as human. Top writer in; cryptocurrency, finance, sobriety, addiction, & bitcoin