Taboo Means Forbidden

Thrifty words 50 #37: Taboo

Karen Traub
The Bad Influence
Published in
May 11, 2021


Domed ceiling Jesus painting blue and gold
Photo by Steve Barker on Unsplash

Sacred to me is the trill of the wood thrush
the hop of the frog
the prey eaten by the wolf

Taboo means forbidden
Do not touch

Too sacred or profane
like menstrual blood and tears
that men fear worse than death.

Mary is what they did to the Goddess

Loving these Thrifty Word Challenges and writing for The Bad Influence.

Karen’s goals for 2021 include finishing her MFA thesis and dressing like a Star Trek alien from a utopian planet. Her Creative Nonfiction and poetry have appeared in Brevity, NPR’s The New Normal, Straw Dog Writer’s Guild Pandemic Poetry and Prose, Multiplicity and Voices of the Valley Anthology.

