We’ve taken to the streets — We, the plebeians and proletarians. So far so good, using our sheer numbers against the patricians and all of their ugly manifestations.

We’re fighting capitalists, megacorporations, and politicians. We aim to shut down the oil fields and refineries. The world will have to learn to get by on far less, and yes, it will be ugly. But it’s getting ugly regardless. People will die; people have already died.

Fred Ermlich
The Bad Influence
3 min readNov 21, 2021


Ugly oil refinery — industrial disease. Photo by Carlos Koblischek from FreeImages
Industrial Disease. . . . Photo by Carlos Koblischek from FreeImages

When Pete and I and a few ex-military members of our movement surveilled this stinking refinery, we asked ourselves and each other, “Just how the hell will our ragtag masses tear down this monstrosity?”

Do we go after the managers of the facility, the owners wherever they are, or do we cut the electricity and internet and who knows what else? Do we need to talk to members of the movement who used to work in refineries (yes)?

Or do we do the most sensible thing and coerce the ruling class — the government — to shut Big Oil down? In the end Pete reminded me that we had some ex-military who were educated at West Point. If anybody knew strategy and logistics it was graduates of that military academy.

Ultimately the decision was made to overwhelm the Capitol and the entire United States government in Washington D.C.

With three million bodies going to Washington the logistics were complicated, but the West Pointers were working on the strategy. It was to appear as if it were a mass protest, with unarmed citizens insisting on action by the government. But in reality the plan was to secrete weapons in caches, that too under the direction of the military experts. Our goal was to shut down government, except for those who would be needed to shut down the fossil fuel industry.

Of course the government knew we were coming. But the weapons caches were quite secret, and there was a possibility that the government wouldn’t know of their existence. But even if they did, they wouldn’t likely know the locations, which even now I won’t talk about, except to say that a lot of cleverness was involved.

We were a dedicated crowd. We knew the dangers of direct mutiny against the U.S. government, but by and large our membership reasoned that they were on a path to dying before we got started —and that was the motivation that allowed our movement to even exist.

If we were going to die anyway from global warming, starvation, poverty, and lack of medical care and other social benefits, it appeared that our odds were better engaging in revolution. The original Declaration of Independence was written for many of the same reasons we had for mounting our new revolution. At least our destiny was more in our hands than it had been before…

End of Part One of the New American Revolution. Will we live to write Part Two?

If we succeed, than perhaps most of us will survive. If we don’t succeed, it doesn’t seem that we really lost anything. We were losing ground rapidly in the first place.

What do you think, dear citizens?
… Fred Ermlich



Fred Ermlich
The Bad Influence

Living in rural Panamá — non-extractive, non-capitalistic. Expat USA. Scientist, writer, researcher, teacher. STEM mentor +languages. Gargoylplex@protonmail.com