What Can Be Done About Violence Towards Women and Girls?

A reflection on the murder of Sarah Everard and other injustices

Marla Bishop
The Bad Influence


Photo by Sinitta Leunen on Unsplash

TRIGGER WARNING: This a story contains information some readers may find upsetting.

I had to steel myself to watch the documentary, Sarah Everard: The Search for Justice on British television last week. It was not easy viewing as the disclosures were horrific.

It was the first time that full details of Sarah‘s abduction, rape and murder were made plain to the public, and it soon became clear that it was only modern technology that caught the monster who committed this senseless crime.

We already knew that the murderer was a serving police officer. What came to light was that four seperate police departments missed at least eight opportunities to stop him in his tracks. Little wonder he thought he could get away with his heinous crime.

Although he pleaded guilty once caught, he has not explained nor disclosed details of why and how he chose to target a woman unknown to him, and subject her to his evil desires.

Here is what we know.

Sarah’s killer planned to abduct, rape, and murder a woman



Marla Bishop
The Bad Influence

Londoner, philosophy graduate, journalist, relationship coach, wife & mother. MA in Novel Writing; working on 1st novel. Follow me: https://linktr.ee/Marla