100/50 WORDS

What If We Are All Car Radios But With Too Much Sound?

Thrifty Words 100 Challenge #84 and Fifty Words #105: Silence

Melissa R. Mendelson
The Bad Influence
Published in
2 min readOct 24, 2022


Photo by Seth Doyle on Unsplash

It’s too loud. Too loud outside. Deafening inside. We need to drown out these thoughts, these pressing emotions, so I turn on the car radio. The world comes in louder. News from both sides of the coin. Heads or Tails, Truth or Fiction? Bullshit ads that tell me what I need, what I think I need, but I don’t want it. And then people talking about Taco Day, Donut Day, or did you watch the latest episode of House of the Dragon?

Have we lost it? Have we been consumed beyond the point of silence? What if there was no sound but only silence? Could we handle the thoughts pounding at the door, the dam about to break with emotions threatening to drown us? Can we really sit in silence or even stop thinking? I can’t stop thinking about yesterday. I can’t stop thinking about tomorrow. Is there a tomorrow? I tell myself there is, but every day, I feel like I brush past Death, some asshole on the road bent on plowing past me to get further ahead. We have lost it, so no, I don’t think we can sit in silence. I don’t think we can handle the noise inside or out. It’s just too damn loud.

But at least, I can turn up the song, Car Radio by Twenty-One Pilots. Can you sit in…

