What You Choose in a D&D Character Says a Lot About You

It’s better than Myers-Briggs.

Sunshine Zombiegirl
The Bad Influence


Photo by Timothy Dykes on Unsplash

Imagine you’re at yet another job interview. You’ve filled out tests. You’ve been in phone calls where you wished you could chew off your ear. And now you’re in a room with three other people who are just as uninterested in the process as you are.

What if job interviews could be better?

You hear back about your application, and the voice on the other side of your phone says, “Make sure you bring your character sheet for a level one character in Pathfinder. You can roll up whatever you like.”

As you stare at your smartphone, stunned, you ask yourself, “Anything? Shoot. What should I name it???”

Ultimately, you pick a gnome thief. Their name is Riboflavin because it makes you laugh, and you’re a bit of a nerd. They dress in pink leather armor and carry a parasol that doubles as a rapier.

You’ve practiced your interview questions for the days leading up to the event. You put your business casual wear on because, after all, this is a job interview. You show up fifteen minutes early with your resume and character sheet in hand without knowing what to expect.

The administrative assistant brings you back to what looks like a break room. A table is set up…

