50 Word Microfiction

Where Did the Time Go?

Thrifty Words Challenge #8: Youth

Anna da Silva
The Bad Influence
Published in
Oct 21, 2020


VE Day, London 8 May 1945 (Photo 12/Universal Images via Getty Images)

Her face ached from smiling, heart bursting with fun. Her skirt swirled as he held her hands and they jived and bounced to the infectious beat of peace.

“Edith dear.”

She opened her eyes, her smile melted away. He stood before her, a crooked old man.

“Time for your pills.”

My thanks to Marla Bishop for the prompt. I initially wanted to write a story reflecting how challenging it is to be a young person entering the world of work right now — at least here in the UK — but decided that was too grim, so have instead looked from the other end of the telescope. You can join in too — the more the merrier:

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Anna da Silva
The Bad Influence

Ex war reporter turned aid worker then environmentalist. Wife, mum & stepmum. Joining dots with story-telling, poetry, memoir & fiction. @hogglespiking