Where Did the Time Go? Part 2

Thrifty Words Challenge #8: Youth

Anna da Silva
The Bad Influence
Published in
Oct 26, 2020


VE Day, London 8 May 1945 (Photo 12/Universal Images via Getty Images)

Their grandchildren thought she was a doddery old technophobe.

Whatever would they think if they knew she’d helped create the very first computer? The thought make her chuckle.

In seventy years she’d never breathed a word to anyone, not even him.

None of the other Bletchley Park girls had either.

You can meet Edith in Part 1:

I’ve decided I quite like her so wanted to give her a second 50 words — I hope that’s allowed.

Bletchley Park is a stately home near to the town where I grew up. During WW2 it was home to the top secret unit tasked with breaking German Military codes. They created the Colossus — the world’s first computer. It filled a large shed! They are credited with helping to save thousands of lives and shortening the duration of the war. Everyone who worked at Bletchley Park was obliged to sign the Official Secrets Act. In recent years stories like Edith’s



Anna da Silva
The Bad Influence

Ex war reporter turned aid worker then environmentalist. Wife, mum & stepmum. Joining dots with story-telling, poetry, memoir & fiction. @hogglespiking