Women In the Adultery Dating Pool

The Truth in the Percentages

The Bad Influence


Photo by YIFEI CHEN on Unsplash

I’m going to reveal some sordid secrets about women in the adultery dating pool.

The percentages tell a story:

35% are extortionists

They might be large Slavic men behind computers pretending to “like” you for a price. “Can you wire me money?” is their calling card. They also might be single moms desperate for cash.

Who knows?

Stray misspellings or words not capitalized or incorrect punctuation are another clue. They want the almighty dollar.

They prey on desperate men looking for affairs.

The pickings are ripe. Lots of men looking for sex on the side.

No question, the extortionists get handed some cash by horny guys. “I’ll help you out, Lil lady.” The men get lured by the promise of sex or the flash of tits.

It’s a story as old as time minus the soaring soundtrack.

20% are lonely and want attention but not a “real” affair

They need validation from men’s approval, but the physical expression of desire isn’t on their radar. They are terrified of taking the “next step.”



The Bad Influence

Adultery 101. Dead Bedrooms. Sex out of network. I am terrible and human. So are you. Editor of The Scarlett Letter | P.S. I Hate You | Sexpressions.