Your Jagged Heart

I am disabled by your love
I am sliced open by your jagged heart
completely taken apart
laid out on display
to be easily carried off
by any homeless
with a shopping cart
I am your golden goblet
containing your poison nectar
by the taste of your venom
I can see it all
yet helpless to stop
its painfully slow consumption of my soul
I am whole yet impaled
upon your will
no pain
no control
no blood
but for the single drop
that forms my tear
Every note you play
vibrates through me
as if my very being was your keyboard
and still my intoxication
will not allow me
the peaceful existence of
not missing you
Your jagged Heart keeps me
on life support
no pain
no control
no blood
just the humming sound
the poison nectar
of your love pumping through me
and I know I cannot be saved
I know I will never again be loved by you
knowing your jagged heart
beats strongest for one not two




Anthony Cloe Huie (Choose Living Over Existing)
The Bad Influence

Choose Living Over Existing(CLOE)Gender Free Writer(GFW), MartialArts-Auth"The Spirit That Guides Us" "Noir AM""The Lottery"