Your Teen’s Texts Passed Through A Translation Bot.

Leslie Kleinberg Zacks
The Bad Influence
Published in
6 min readFeb 18, 2020


Clarity. That’s all we ask.

Photo by Daniel Tuttle on Unsplash

My kid is on the debate team. This is how I know he is proficient in at least one language. He also doesn’t hesitate to sit at the edge of my bed, late in the evening, long past the point where I feign interest in whatever argument he’s making, talking himself in circles. If he notices me dozing, I insist I’m thinking deeply about what he’s saying. But I’m totally lying. I’m asleep.

The kid loves to talk. Talking is his jam.

It helps to remember this when I struggle to communicate with him via text. When it comes to texting, he’s a clam. It’s like he thinks we’re being charged by the character.

I’ve heard other parents complain of this. Families that are moving in six different directions, like ours, rely on phones to stay tethered logistically and emotionally. At a distance, it can be hard to understand your teen’s true meaning via text. So I created a translation bot that provides nuance and detail. It is also designed to presents options. Like a chose-you-own-adventure series where you, Parent, get to decide what you’d like to hear.

Question: How was your day?

Answer: Fine.

This is the most complex question to ask a teen. It’s totally unfair to pose it via…



Leslie Kleinberg Zacks
The Bad Influence

Writing about whatever I feel like. Mom with a career. Filled with love and rage. It’s cool- I’m not for everyone. twitter @lesliezacks