The Way You Answer This Question Will Determine The Rest Of Your Life

Matt Legg
The Balanced Soul
Published in
2 min readAug 13, 2023


Photo by Alexander Schimmeck on Unsplash

The first time I joined Medium it was to make money. I thought it would be easy, just write whatever I want and the money will roll in.

That didn’t happen.

So I stopped writing and posting thinking it was a waste of time. Now I have a different view of this site and what it means to me.

This is a place to express yourself, to talk about things that you find interesting. And yes, to make money.

But now I’m more interested in sharing my writing with the world. Not because I think I’m an amazing writer or because I’m going to get rich. But because I have something inside that I need to express and this is how I choose to do it.

We all have this feeling inside. This desire to share and contribute to the world. There are millions of ways to do it, this one works best for me.

What are some of the ways you connect with others and share your gifts with the world?

Thanks for reading. Here are some other articles I wrote.



Matt Legg
The Balanced Soul

I write about Life and my journey of self discovery. Hopefully it will help you too.