How I Make $5,000 Each Month Writing About Tiny Topics

Tiny topics are the tiny houses of profitable blogging content

Christopher Kokoski
The Bald Writer
Published in
7 min readJun 15, 2022


Person making tiny “sign” with two fingers — How I Make $5,000 Each Month Writing About Tiny Topics
Image by Author via Canva

I make $5,000 or more each month from tiny topics.

The tinier, usually the better.

This article is about how I do it and how you can, too. I’m not saying it’s easy or fast but it is possible.

Here’s how.

What Are Tiny Topics?

Also known as microcontent or pocket content, tiny topics are hyper-specific, niche topics that take a small slice of a larger topic.

For example, rather than writing about “ cats,” you could write about “Siamese cats.” This might seem like a small change, but it can make a big difference in terms of engagement.

Here’s another example.

If you’re a travel writer, you could write a piece on the best places to eat in New Orleans or the best hotels in Paris.

These topics are specific enough that you can cover them in a single article, but they’re also general enough that people will actually be interested in reading them.

After all, when people are searching for information online, they often use very specific keywords.



Christopher Kokoski
The Bald Writer

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