How I Make Up to $3,000 Per Month Writing Precision Content

My exact content formula

Christopher Kokoski
The Bald Writer


How I Make Up to $3,000 Per Month Writing Precision Content — Magnifying glass analyzing articles, symbolizing in-depth content strategy research.
Image created by the Author via ChatGPT, DALL-E, and Canva

I make up to $3,000 each month, in part, by writing what I call precision content.

In this blog post, I want to explain what it is, how I write it, and how you can, too. You may love it or you may hate it but this is how I do it.

I hope you find it helpful.

What the Heck Is Precision Content?

Let’s start with a simple definition and talk a little about why it matters.

What Is Precision Content?

Precision content is like hitting the bullseye every time in the content archery range. It’s not just about writing; it’s about writing right.

It involves understanding the user’s intent so well that each article feels tailor-made for them. This isn’t your run-of-the-mill SEO writing. Instead, it’s a step further, exploring the psyche of your reader and then executing content based on what you learn.

Why Precision Content Triumphs

Why does this approach work? Simple. It connects.

When you speak directly to a reader’s needs, you’re not just a writer — you’re a mind reader. This creates engagement, and engagement is the golden ticket in the world of online content.

The Monetization Magic: Display Ads and Affiliate Links

After writing a series of articles about “how I make X amount of money writing Y content,” I know one of the most common questions I get asked is, “How do you actually make money from this content?”

I’ve done my best to explain my monetization strategies below.

Display Ads: Earning While They Learn

Imagine earning money every time someone reads your article.

Welcome to display ads. These digital billboards pay you for real estate on your webpage. The more engaging your content, the longer readers stay, and the more you earn.

It’s a beautiful passive income stream.

While search engine changes can dramatically impact this revenue source, it’s still very viable. This is how I make the biggest portion of my income from blogging.

The simple steps:

  • Get Traffic — Drive traffic to your site with good content and basic SEO (search engine optimization). I’ve written extensively on how I do this in other articles, so please check out my list of Writing Articles if you want to learn more.
  • Set Up Ads on Your Site — When you’re eligible (based on your website setup and monthly traffic numbers), join ad platforms like Google Adsense, Ezoic, Mediavine, or Raptive.

Affiliate Links: The Subtle Art of Suggestive Selling

Then there’s the art of affiliate links.

You can’t just randomly plug products willy-nilly. You’re better served by making strategic suggestions that fit seamlessly into your content.

And your brand.

Think of it as a helpful friend recommending products that interest your reader. And the best part?

You get a cut from each sale.

The Step-by-Step Guide to Crafting Precision Content

Without further ado, this is my exact approach to crafting and earning up to $3,000 per month from precision content.

Step 1: Deep-Dive Research

You conduct deep-dive research by understanding user intent and spicing up your content with personal experience.

Understanding User Intent

The first step is like being a digital detective.

You need to understand your reader. What are they searching for? Why are they searching for it? This involves keyword research, sure, but it goes beyond that.

It’s about understanding the why behind the what.

Personal Experience: The Secret Ingredient

Personal experience is your ace in the hole.

When you write from experience, your content resonates more deeply. It’s the difference between theoretical knowledge and real-world wisdom.

Step 2: Tailoring the Content

The next step is to customize your content for the reader.

Creating User-Friendly Posts

Now, you take your research and experience and start crafting your article.

This is where your creativity shines.

Your goal? To make complex information digestible and engaging. Think of yourself as a translator, turning technical jargon into everyday language.

Custom Tailoring to Search Intent

Every article should feel like it’s answering the reader’s question directly.

This is how precision content outranks vague and less helpful posts. You’re addressing a specific query with pinpoint accuracy.

Step 3: Monetization Strategy

As I mentioned earlier, I monetize mostly with display ads and affiliate links. But there is a bit more to it.

Integrating Display Ads

Strategically place display ads where they are noticeable but not intrusive.

It’s a balancing act. You want to monetize your site without compromising the user experience.

Incorporating Affiliate Links

Affiliate links should feel organic, not forced.

They should be relevant to the content and add value to the reader. This is suggestive selling at its finest.

Step 4: The Publishing and Promotion Process

Once you have written and monetized your content, it’s time to optimize, publish, and promote it.

SEO Optimization and Publishing

Now it’s time to optimize for search engines.

This involves using the right keywords, creating engaging meta descriptions, and ensuring your content is easily crawlable by search engines.

I like to use the free SEO tool RankMath on all of my WordPress sites.

Promoting Your Content

Finally, don’t just publish and pray.

Promote your content through social media, email newsletters, and other channels. The more eyes on your content, the better.

Don’t worry if you don’t have this right now.

Just start building an audience on different platforms. Focus on just a few and grow from there. That’s what I have done. I use Substack, an online writing platform (wink wink), and YouTube.

Mastering Search Intent: The Key to Precision Content

Let’s be real: You can’t write an article to hit an invisible target. You need to get crystal clear on search intent.

Here is how I do it.

Informational vs. Transactional Intent

Not all searches are created equal.

Some users seek information; others want to make a purchase. Recognizing this distinction is crucial.

For instance, a search for “best running shoes” likely has a transactional intent, whereas “how to choose running shoes” is more informational.

Identifying the Desired Content Format

Different queries demand different content formats.

Does the user want a detailed guide, a quick video tutorial, or a product review?

For instance, a search for “yoga exercises for beginners” might prefer video content, while “yoga exercise benefits” could potentially be better served by an in-depth article.

Tools and Techniques for Analyzing Search Intent

  • Use SEO tools like Ahrefs or SEMrush to understand the keywords’ intent.
  • Look at the “People also ask” and “Related searches” sections on Google for additional insight.
  • Consider the language of the query. Words like “buy,” “price,” or “review” indicate transactional intent, while “how to,” “why,” and “what is” suggest informational intent.

Decoding Top Performers: A Deep Dive into Winning Content Strategies

Knowing the search intent, while necessary, is not sufficient.

You must also know how to beat your competition. That’s where modeling and comparative analysis come into play.

Model the Money-Makers

The first thing I do is dive into the top 5–10 articles on the topic.

To truly understand search intent, start where the action is: the first page of Google search results. Analyze the top 5–10 articles for your chosen topic.

Look at what they cover and, crucially, what they don’t.

How are they structured? What makes them stand out? This is your competition, your benchmark.

Comparative Analysis: Inclusions and Omissions

Make a list of common elements in these top articles.

Do they use images, infographics, or videos? How do they format their headers and subheaders? What topics or subtopics do they touch upon?

Equally important is to note what they’re missing.

This is your opportunity to fill in the gaps and outshine them.

Creating a Strategy to Master Search Intent

Let’s condense all of this information into a framework that is both practical and actionable.

Follow these steps to create precision content.

Step 1: Comprehensive Keyword Research

Start with broad keyword research and then drill down to more specific terms. Look for long-tail keywords that precisely match the user’s intent.

Step 2: Crafting Content to Match Intent

Once you’ve identified the intent, craft your content to match.

For informational searches, provide detailed, well-researched, and easy-to-understand content. For transactional queries, focus on product features, benefits, and comparisons.

Step 3: Formatting for Engagement and Clarity

Format your content based on what works best for your audience and the search intent. Use bullet points for easy scanning, tutorial videos, and infographics for data-heavy topics.

Step 4: Constant Analysis and Iteration

The world of search is always evolving.

Regularly revisit your content to ensure it aligns with current search trends and intents. Update and improve your articles as needed to stay relevant and useful.

Step 5: Engage with Your Audience

Understand your audience by engaging with them.

Use comments, social media, and email feedback to gather insights into what your readers truly want and need.

Conclusion: The Path to $3,000 a Month

The key to precision content is consistency, quality, and a deep understanding of your audience. By following these steps, you’ll not only create content that resonates but also monetizes.

Your path to earning up to $3,000 per month is just an article away. Start writing, start engaging, and watch the magic happen.

And remember, when it comes to content, precision is not only the king, it’s the entire kingdom.



Christopher Kokoski
The Bald Writer

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