I Am Tripling the Content On All My Websites (Here’s How)

My workflow, toolset, and endgame

Christopher Kokoski
The Bald Writer


Cartoon man walking down a mountain of articles — I am tripling the content on all my websites
I made this image with AI — ChatGPT, DALLE, and Canva

I am tripling the content on my portfolio of websites.

It’s a massive undertaking with the goal of exploding my traffic, buffering my site against future algorithm changes, and mobilizing an army of articles to boost revenue.

Here’s how I’m doing it.

Mastering the Art of Mass Content Production: My Workflow Revealed

I’m not flying into this project blindly. I’m using a finely tuned orchestra of strategy, technology, and old-fashioned grit. Here’s a high-level overview of my workflow, a blueprint for turning the cogs of this content factory.

The Workflow Breakdown

My workflow is separated into 6 phases.

Phase 1: Strategic Planning and Keyword Research

  • Using AI tools and SEO platforms, I dive into intensive keyword research, identifying clusters that promise high traffic and engagement.
  • I focus on batching this process, dedicating specific stretches of time solely to unearthing these golden nuggets of SEO.

Phase 2: Content Generation

  • Armed with my keyword clusters, I turn to my suite of AI tools, including AI Engine and WordPlay.ai, to generate first drafts.
  • This phase is all about volume; think of it as laying the foundation for a skyscraper, one floor at a time.

Phase 3: Customizing and Branding

  • Here’s where individuality comes in. Each piece undergoes customization, ensuring it aligns with my brand’s voice and style.
  • I batch-create custom images and (sometimes) infographics, often leveraging DALL-E and Canva, adding that personal touch to each article.
  • This is also when I might create a custom YouTube video for a piece of content.

Phase 4: The Editing Gauntlet

  • Every article is then subjected to rigorous editing. It’s about making each piece sparkle with clarity and insight.
  • I often employ tools like Grammarly, along with a final human touch, to ensure quality isn’t sacrificed at the altar of quantity.

Phase 5: Publishing and Promotion

  • Once the content passes the quality checks, it’s time to publish. This isn’t just hitting the upload button — it’s about timing and strategy.
  • Each piece is then promoted across my digital platforms, leveraging social media and email marketing to maximize reach and engagement.
  • Admittedly, I mostly rely on organic traffic and marketing but I usually do post my content in a few places. I also cross-promote between sites, platforms, and content mediums.

Phase 6: Analytics and Adaptation

  • The final phase involves diving into analytics to gauge the performance of each piece.
  • This data-driven approach allows me to adapt and tweak future content strategies, ensuring a continuous cycle of improvement and growth.

Visualizing the Workflow: A Chart for Clarity

Chart of my workflow created by the author — Credit

This workflow isn’t just a conveyor belt churning out content.

Rather, it’s a dynamic ecosystem, constantly evolving and adapting. It’s about striking a balance between the efficiency of AI and the nuance of human creativity, ensuring that each piece of content not only reaches its audience but resonates with them.

Unleashing the Keyword Kraken: A Treasure Hunt for Words

Let’s face it, keyword research can be as dry as a humorless professor’s lecture.

But here I am, turning into an Indiana Jones of the digital world, searching for hidden treasures in the form of keyword clusters. These are the golden keys to unlocking content riches.

I’m on a quest, diving deep into the sea of SEO, hunting for those precious clusters that promise a bounty of traffic and engagement. Oh, and I’m armed with the latest tools and tricks, making this more than just a wild goose chase.

Speaking of tools…

AI to the Rescue: From Bulk Generators to Content Wizards

Remember the days when writing content felt like trying to solve a Rubik’s cube blindfolded? Well, those days are gone! I’ve enlisted an army of AI tools, from bulk content generators to savvy writing plugins.

These content wizards conjure up articles, blogs, and more, with a flick of their digital wands.

It’s like having a team of ghostwriters, except they’re powered by silicon and algorithms. And the best part? They never get tired, work while I sleep, and certainly don’t complain about writer’s block.

They do, however, need quite a bit of prompting and guidance to get things right.

More on my toolset below.

Custom Creations: When Off-The-Shelf Just Won’t Cut It

Alright, here’s where my inner control freak gets to shine.

Sometimes, you just can’t find the right tool in the market. What do you do? Create your own, of course! I’m teaming up with tech wizards (the human kind this time) to develop custom scripts and apps.

These tailor-made tools suit my eccentric, sometimes borderline obsessive-compulsive standards for quality. It’s like crafting a bespoke suit — it just fits better.

And when it comes to content, quality, and fit are everything.

Toolkit Unveiled: My Arsenal for Content Creation

As promised, here is where I share all the tools I’m currently using (and testing) to triple the content on my sites.

Note: There are affiliate links in this section, so if you click through to buy something, you also support me and my content. Thank you!

AI Engine: The WordPress Plugin That’s More Than Just a Plugin

Let’s kick things off with “AI Engine,” a gem of a WordPress plugin that’s like finding an oasis in a content desert.

Imagine having a savvy assistant who’s always ready to churn out drafts, suggest edits, and never once rolls its eyes at your requests. AI Engine is my go-to when I need to transform ideas into words, seamlessly and without fuss.

It’s a free plugin (which is great) but you do still need to connect your OpenAI API key (which means you get charged minimally for each article you write — Don’t worry, it’s fractions of pennies cheap).

Fiverr: The Digital Marketplace of Dreams (and Developers)

Next up, Fiverr, the bustling digital marketplace where I’ve found some of the most budget-friendly, yet surprisingly talented developers.

These tech maestros have been instrumental in crafting those custom scripts and apps that cater to my, let’s say, “unique” content needs. Think of Fiverr as a treasure trove where you can unearth coding wizards who don’t cost you a pot of gold but deliver as they do.

I’m looking into developing a script or app that produces content exactly how I want it for less editing on the backend.

WordPlay.ai: From Trash to Treasure

WordPlay.ai and I go way back to the days when it was more of a digital babbling brook than the smooth-flowing river it is today.

I snagged a lifetime deal back when its outputs were, well, let’s be kind and give them an E for “effort.” But now, in its glorious Version 4, it’s like watching a duckling turn into a swan.

It’s become a staple in my content kitchen, whipping up delicacies that are both palatable and potent.

SEOwriting.ai: The New Kid on the Block Who’s Making Waves

Then there’s SEOwriting.ai, the new kid on the content block that’s already impressing the socks off me. When guided, it produces SEO-friendly content that resonates, engages, and ranks.

This tool understands the delicate dance between pleasing the search engines and wooing the human reader. It’s a balancing act that SEOwriting.ai performs with the grace of a seasoned acrobat.

Don’t get me wrong: it’s not a perfect tool. But it’s pretty dang good at what it does.

OpenAI: My Secret Sauce

Last but definitely not least, my direct connection to OpenAI.

This is like having a golden key to the kingdom of AI. Leveraging this connection allows me to create content at a scale that would make traditional methods blush.

And the best part? It’s surprisingly cost-effective.

For example, I’ve created roughly 15 posts going directly to the source with my OpenAI key (even using the latest versions of the AI models), and my cost is less than $2 so far.

If you don’t want to go that route and would rather pay for a monthly subscription, I recommend ChatGPT Plus. In that case, check out my AI Army package of 7 custom GPTs for SEO research, writing, affiliate tables, and more.

Think of it as having a pipeline to the future of content creation, delivering cutting-edge, AI-driven content that’s both innovative and impactful.

Embracing the Madness: A Circus of Creativity and Chaos

Let me tell you, this journey is a rollercoaster of emotion. One minute, I’m laughing at the absurdity of an AI-generated joke. The next, I’m nearly tearing my hair out trying to teach a machine the nuances of human emotion.

It’s a wild ride, and I’m both the ringmaster and the clown in this circus of content creation.

But amidst this chaos, there’s a method to the madness, a rhythm in the raucous. And that, my friends, is the beauty of this adventure.

The Endgame: A Digital Empire Built on Words and Whimsy

So, what’s the goal of all this? To build a digital empire, one blog post at a time. To create a labyrinth of content so vast and varied that it becomes an irresistible maze for readers and search engines alike.

I want to get ahead so that I’m scheduling content a month or more into the future. That’s about quality of life more than anything.

It’s also about making my mark in the digital universe, one quirky, quality-controlled, AI-assisted piece at a time. And when the dust settles, I’ll be there, standing amidst a kingdom of content, ready to take on whatever algorithmic beasts come my way.

Stay tuned, my fellow adventurers, the best is yet to come!

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Oh Look, More Articles to Read:



Christopher Kokoski
The Bald Writer

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