I Solved ChatGPT’s Most Frustrating Limitation (Here’s How)

A simple prompt to fix premature content cutoff

Christopher Kokoski
The Bald Writer


Laptop on a table with a paper being flapped by AI- Why Is My Writing Being Flagged As AI — I Solved ChatGPT’s Most Frustrating Limitation (Here’s How)
Image created by the Author via Bing, DALL-E and Canva

As someone who frequently tinkers with AI tools like ChatGPT, I’ve hit a few bumps along the way. One super annoying hiccup?

ChatGPT often wraps up its thoughts way too early, usually around the 500 to 600-word count.

If you know, you know.

For someone like me, who’s always after more meaty content, this can be crazy frustrating. So, I’ve experimented with fixes for the last few years without success.

Then, almost on a fluke, I found a neat little workaround — a simple prompt that cleverly keeps ChatGPT going. It’s been a total game-changer for my blogging and all those times I need a deeper dive from AI.

The Frustration with Early Content Termination

ChatGPT has been a breakthrough in AI-driven communication, no doubt, offering users the ability to generate content across various topics.

However, a significant problem is when the tool concludes content generation abruptly. This issue is common when the AI (almost any AI) reaches approximately 500 to 600 words, at which point it shifts towards a summary or conclusion.

This can disrupt the flow of ideas and leave users dissatisfied, especially those seeking in-depth analysis or detailed explanations.

Such premature termination not only hampers the utility of the tool but also limits the potential for generating comprehensive articles, detailed reports, or extensive research material.

The abrupt end to the content flow breaks the user’s train of thought, leading to a disjointed and often incomplete understanding of the topic at hand.

While other tools generate longer text in one click, it’s almost always subpar in quality.

What I want (what most bloggers want) is for ChatGPT to generate the first 500 words of an article, stop, and then generate the next 500. We want the AI tool to keep generating content in perpetuity until the entire blog post is written.

That’s the problem I solved with a single, simple prompt.

The Magic Prompt: A Simple Yet Effective Solution

The solution I discovered lies in a carefully structured prompt:

Don’t summarize or cut short the content. If you run out of tokens, then please wait for me to say ‘Go’ to continue generating content.

This prompt effectively communicates to ChatGPT the user’s need for continued content generation without unwarranted summarization.

The key here is in its directive nature, which instructs the AI to pause and wait for further instruction rather than concluding the text prematurely.

This approach addresses the token limitation issue inherent in ChatGPT’s design, where the AI is programmed to generate content within a certain limit.

By including this directive, I (and you, if you use the prompt) effectively bypass the usual stopping point, enabling the AI to await further instructions and continue generating content beyond its standard limit.

This simple method transforms the interaction with ChatGPT, allowing for the creation of more extensive and detailed content.

Integrating the Prompt into Daily Blogging

Integrating this prompt into daily blogging practices has been a game-changer.

By adding it as a final instruction in every query to ChatGPT, I ensure a continuous flow of content, tailored to the specific needs of my blog. This method has significantly enhanced the depth and quality of the articles I produce, allowing for a more comprehensive exploration of topics and ideas.

The ability to extend the length of content beyond the typical cutoff point means that discussions can be more thorough, analyses more in-depth, and narratives more complete.

This prompt has effectively enabled me to mold ChatGPT’s output to fit the diverse and often expansive requirements of my blog.

It works 99% of the time.

Here are some tips for using the prompt based on my experience:

  • This prompt should be the last thing you add to your overall, longer prompt.
  • Keep your overall prompt as short as possible (while still being as detailed as you need).
  • The longer the overall prompt, the more ChatGPT ignored or overlooked my summary-stopping prompt.

The “Go” Command: A Key to Continuous Generation

When the AI reaches the end of a content section, simply typing “Go” prompts it to continue, maintaining the momentum and depth of the discussion.

This command acts as a cue for the AI to resume content generation, allowing me to guide the direction and scope of the content seamlessly.

Before using this new prompt, I would type “continue” or give additional prompts to expand the previous content.

“Go” made it faster and easier to get longer content in less time.

It provides a unique level of control over the content creation process, making it possible to extend discussions, add more details, or explore additional aspects of a topic without interruption.

This approach not only ensures continuity in the content but also enhances the overall coherence and comprehensiveness of the generated material, making it more valuable for readers seeking detailed insights.

Final Thoughts

Slipping this clever little prompt into the mix has totally revamped my Chat GPT experience.

Especially for someone like me, always on the hunt for in-depth and chunky content, this trick has been a lifesaver. It’s like I’ve tweaked the AI’s brain to get exactly what I need.

The best part?

It proves just how adaptable and versatile these AI tools can be.

No more getting cut off mid-thought — now, I’m exploring whole new horizons in AI-powered writing. It’s like finding a secret door in a video game that opens up an entire new level.

Here’s to leveling up.



Christopher Kokoski
The Bald Writer

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