I Wrote a Free Blogging Guide

No email sign-up and no strings attached

Christopher Kokoski
The Bald Writer
Published in
2 min readAug 10, 2022


Cartoon Man Blogging — I Wrote a Free Blogging Guide
Image by the Author via Canva

Since I write a lot of articles about writing, blogging, marketing, and building niche websites, I get asked a ton of questions about these topics.

I love the questions and I try to answer each and every one.

When I respond, I sometimes go overboard and end up writing a mini-article right there in the comment section.

Combined with my two writing-related lists, I basically wrote a free blogging guide.

The guide includes:

  • How to choose your blogging niche
  • How to grow your blog super fast
  • All the strategies I use to build my websites
  • How to find the best keywords to rank high on Google
  • How to make a full-time income from blogging
  • How to avoid the mistakes many new bloggers make
  • My most recommended blogging tools (free and paid)

Here Is How To Read the Free Blogging Guide

There are no strings attached.

You don’t need to give me your email address, sign up for anything, pay me any money, or do one-handed cartwheels.



Christopher Kokoski
The Bald Writer

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