My Article Gets 17K Clicks Every 30 Days — This Is How I Wrote It

A map of my strategy from start to finish

Christopher Kokoski
The Bald Writer
Published in
5 min readJul 5, 2022


Man at a computer — My Article Gets 17K Clicks Every 30 Days — This Is How I Wrote It
Image by Author via Canva

The top-performing article across my entire portfolio of websites gets 17K clicks and pageviews every month.

It also makes me approximately $300+ dollars per month in ad revenue.

Crazily, I resisted writing the article for months. Finally, I gave in to better judgment, wrote it, and am extremely happy with the results.

Here is a screenshot for some proof:

This article is about how I wrote the article from start to finish.

I hope, by reading it, you might gain insight on how to replicate this process for yourself.

Let’s get started.

How I Found The Article Idea In the First Place

It was astonishingly simple.

I plugged, “How to [niche word]” into a keyword tool. In this case, I used Ahrefs.

Once the tool spat out the thousands of possible keywords, I filtered them by competition and search volume. I tend to target very low competition keywords.

The sweet spot is low competition with high search volume.



Christopher Kokoski
The Bald Writer

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