When AI Art Goes Wrong

The dark side of artificial intelligence

Christopher Kokoski
The Bald Writer


Two men with messed up AI art mouths — When AI Art Goes Wrong
Image created by the author via Jasper Art and Canva

AI-generated art is all the rave right now.

And, as someone who dove headfirst into the deep end of the AI art pool, some of the results are mindbogglingly beautiful.

But not all AI art is stunning. Some of it is downright dark and creepy — the stuff of your literal nightmares.

Case in point: the disturbing cover image for this article.

Here is what happens when AI art goes wrong.

Messed up AI art showing a man and woman at a spray park
Image created by the author via Jasper Art and Canva

Don’t mind me, I’m just spraying water from my armpit while pulling my bunny girlfriend by our conjoined arm.

Nothing to see here.

Two men with messed up AI art mouths — When AI Art Goes Wrong
Image created by the author via Jasper Art and Canva

Sir, why do you have a foot in your mouth?

I have no idea what’s going on with Mr. Two Mouths. Both of you look too happy to be this grotesque.

For the record, I only wanted a laughing man image.

Not these cannibal, Hills Have Eyes, monsters.

AI art of a cartoon Dean Koontz lookalike holding a severed head.
Image created by the author via Jasper Art and Canva

Oddly, my prompt for this image was: Dean Koontz cartoon, detailed, magical, fantasy, 4k, 8k, digital art.

I don’t know why Jasper Art portrayed Dean Koontz as a Troll carrying a severed head but I’m terrified.

So terrified.

Woman working on a laptop and staring out of a window
Image created by the author via Jasper Art and Canva

This must be in the Addam’s Family universe because I swear there is a severed, sentient hand working on that laptop.

Not to mention the hand resting against her chin is slowly merging with her face.

Yet, she seems so calm, sitting there in her brick prison staring out of the window at what looks like another brick wall. I have so many questions.

Red-haired woman working on a laptop at a cafe.
Image created by the author via Jasper Art and Canva

Many images from AI look pretty damn good (like this one) until you look a bit closer.

Can you spot the problem?

It’s not her fiery red hair, the laptop, or the lights outside despite it being during the daytime.

It’s her arms — or should I say “arm” — singular, with that bracelet.

How the hell did she get that bracelet on?

Nevermind. I don’t think I want to know.

Ink drawing of a woman with four eyes — messed up AI art
Image created by the author via Jasper Art and Canva

What in the double-face, chin-flap nose is going on in this image?

Honestly, if I wasn’t so horrified, I might actually like this art.

Final Thoughts

Ok, now a few good images to show you that AI art isn't all bad.

Jasper AI art of a beautiful woman’s face.
Image created by the author via Jasper Art and Canva

Here is another one:

Jasper AI art of a beached shark with ocean water in the background.
Image created by the author via Jasper Art and Canva

AI art is only as good as your prompts.

It takes some testing and experimentation to get better images, especially of faces and hands.

But the end results are most definitely worth it.

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Christopher Kokoski
The Bald Writer

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