Write Articles Twice As Fast With These 5 Jasper AI Commands

I use them every day on my portfolio of websites

Christopher Kokoski
The Bald Writer
Published in
6 min readJul 3, 2022


Woman drinking coffee and typing on computer — Write Articles Twice As Fast With These 5 Jasper AI Commands
Image by Author via Canva

If you’ve read my other articles, you know how much I love the Jasper AI Writer (not an affiliate link).

However, the impressive content generator comes with a learning curve. You need to know how to maximize outputs so that you don’t waste credits (and money).

A common question in the Jasper Facebook community is, “What commands do you use to write better and faster?”

In this article, I’m going to share my 5 favorite Jasper AI commands.

They help me write blog posts twice as fast — and sometimes faster.

1) Give Me a Long List of XYZ

I’m a big fan of the Jasper AI command, “Give Me a Long List of XYZ.”

I find it incredibly useful for rapidly outlining my articles, creating bulleted lists, and coming up with subheaders. I then plug each item in the generated list into the Paragraph Tool or Long form Document tool in Jasper.

Here are examples of how I might use this command:

  • Give me a long list of ways to start a garden
  • Give me a long list of benefits of running



Christopher Kokoski
The Bald Writer

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