The Writing Spider: Harmless Bug or Dangerous Nightmare Machine?

Everything you need to know about the Writing Spider

Christopher Kokoski
The Bald Writer
Published in
4 min readDec 11, 2020


A close-up image of a Argiope aurantia spider on a web. This species is otherwise known as the Writing Spider.
Credit: Image by Diana Lynne on

The Writing Spider (pictured above) looks like something that crawled out of a Stephen King novel. But is it really the creepy crawler of your worst nightmares?

Let’s dig into the details so that you learn everything you need to know about this freaky-looking spider species.

I’ve also scattered some “fun facts” throughout the article that share interesting little tidbits that I think you’ll love!

What is The Writing Spider?

The Writing Spider is a large, orb-weaving spider with a distinctively bright black-and-yellow design. Females grow larger than males. One special characteristic is that, like all orb-weavers, the Writing Spider has a third, extra claw that allows it to weave elaborate circular webs.

When constructing their webs, the spiders often add stabilimenta or zigzag designs. Many people have noted that the stabilimenta looks almost like writing, which is why they are called Writing Spiders.

Interestingly, the reason for stabilimenta is unknown. Theories include that the stabilimenta may attract certain prey, offer support and stability, or prevent birds from…



Christopher Kokoski
The Bald Writer

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