Hyperautomation — Essential in Every Bank’s Strategy

Rik Coeckelbergs
The Banking Scene
Published in
7 min readNov 10, 2020


It is striking how discussions around automation have changed in the past few years. As Brian Burke, Research Vice President at Gartner, said: “We have seen an evolution from process automation towards automation at the business ecosystem level.”

In July, we had our first Automation Session, when we spoke about automation on an operational and tactical level, more specifically, we talked about RPA. RPA is what Huw Williams refers to as a point solution, a technology to fix a problem or implement a new service quickly.

Today this is no longer enough in the engagement with your customers. So we organised a second Automation Session on November 5th, titled “Hyperautomation — Investing in Resilience without compromising on digital experience”. I was worried that the conversation would get too technical. The opposite was true.

Automation, and especially hyperautomation matured incredibly in the past few years, and it is must on every innovator’s horizon.

For this session, we invited Amit Kumar, Senior Director Financial Services and Huw Williams, Global Practice Lead Contact Centres, both working at UiPath, our partner for the day.

A holistic definition of hyperautomation

Amit defines hyperautomation as “an…



Rik Coeckelbergs
The Banking Scene

Independent advisor and opinion maker in banking and payments. Like my opinion, why not support it? https://rik-coeckelbergs.medium.com/membership