Me and my wearable, one month together - a testimonial

Rik Coeckelbergs
The Banking Scene
Published in
6 min readJan 7, 2019


Back in the days, it was 2018, on a cold day in november, I got a phone call. The man on the other side of the line had good news: I was selected by KBC.

Hooray! I was one of the 1.000 pilot customers to take part in the contactless wearables test. For a year, I would be testing the experience of having a watch to pay with.

Was it because I was already quite involved in contactless in the press, and via a few blog posts, or because I am a heavy social media user on the topic? Or simply because I was lucky?

Excited as I was, to get the liberating phone call that I was selected, I didn’t bother to answer that question. After all those years of reading and talking about it, I was finally able to use it, almost…

On December 8, 2018, KBC invited me in their pop-up branch, or let’s say a coffee bar, in Antwerp.

After registration I could select the wearable watch I wanted. There was a bit of waiting time before activation of the wearable. No problem, it was time well spent, with a few former colleagues and the welcome morning coffee, straight from the espresso machine.

Activating the wearable

2 coffees later, it was my turn to activate the wearable. This was a much smoother operation than I…



Rik Coeckelbergs
The Banking Scene

Independent advisor and opinion maker in banking and payments. Like my opinion, why not support it?