The Open Banking Interviews: Koen Adolfs, Product Owner & API Evangelist, ABN AMRO Bank

Rik Coeckelbergs
The Banking Scene
Published in
11 min readJul 8, 2019


ABN AMRO Bank is one of those institutions who is very open in their API management. It is one of those banks that I really wanted to include in the Open Banking Interviews. I am very glad that Koen Adolfs was open for this.

What started as an interview ended up being a very interesting conversation on APIs, Open Banking and the importance of change management in the process of aligning the bank to this new future.

Part III of The Open Banking Interviews (see part II, with Daniel Van Delft, Country Manager Netherlands, Visa).

ABN AMRO Bank is very open in their approach to Open Banking and PSD2 with publicly available blogs. This clearly shows you are a front runner in this domain. Could you please provide us with a status where ABN AMRO Bank stands today on PSD2 and why you decided to be a front runner in the first place?

If you look where we come from, a couple of years ago, we needed to get used to the idea of opening up, just like all the other banks. The regulation PSD2 really stimulated us to reflect on what the…



Rik Coeckelbergs
The Banking Scene

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