Five ways to make tenants feel appreciated

The BaseRent Bulletin
2 min readMay 14, 2017

Building goodwill with new tenants could save you a lot of time, money and hassle in the long run. Plus, it’s just the right thing to do to be a good landlord! Starting off your six month, 12 month or several year relationship with your tenant by building mutual respect is one of the best things you can do for yourself. You will never regret starting the relationship out on the right foot.

Small gestures can yield potentially big rewards.

Here are five easy things you can do to build rapport with your new tenants:

1. “Welcome to the neighborhood” gift or gesture.

Think ahead and leave a housewarming gift for when your tenant moves in. It could be as simple as a bottle of wine, or put together a small gift basket filled with “first night” needs such as snacks, soaps, trash bags and toothbrushes.

Another idea: Have pizza delivered on move-in day.

2. “Hidden Gems.”

Leave a fun list of helpful “must knows” or secret tips about the neighborhood. For this purpose, make sure it stays light hearted and helpful, and doesn’t turn into a list of rules.

Tip: Have a magnet made with your contact information and have it waiting on the fridge.

3. Send holiday cards/ birthday cards or emails.

It’s important for your tenants to be reminded that you are human too. Add a friendly and emotional connection by remembering when your tenants’ birthdays are. Send thoughtful birthday cards or emails, and include them on your holiday card lists too

4. Keep in Touch.

Instead of just waiting to hear from your tenants when things go wrong, periodically reach out and ask how everything is going. Try to keep the conversation light and personal instead of grilling your tenant about specifics of property maintenance.

Be responsive/ quick to respond to their needs. Go above and beyond.

5. Keep a running note about personal things regarding your tenants so you can ask about them and so they know you care.

Originally published at BaseRent.

